Thursday, April 21, 2011

PVAO educational benefits (Plain English / Plain Language revisions)

Notes: (1) Please read my post “Plain English, Plain Language or Plain Writing for government offices and private companies in the Philippines.” (2) I conduct seminars for government offices or private companies that want to train their staff in Plain English. Please email me at or text 0927-798-3138 for details. (3) For interactive grammar exercises, please visit my “Better English resources and exercises” website; I also have interactive quizzes on Plain English / Plain Language. (4) If the tables do not look right, try using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. (5) These revisions are my own and are used only to illustrate Plain English principles. If there are conflicts between my revisions and the official PVAO guidelines on educational benefits, you must follow the official guidelines.

link to PVAO website Plain English revisions: using pronouns “I” for the user in the question heading and “you” to directly address the reader; an If/Then table; legalese like heretofore” is replaced by the simpler word “previously; and other revisions in the text.

Educational Benefits

How can I avail of the benefits?

If you are one of the persons listed below:andthen ...
(1) Veteran of the Philippine revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American War;

(2) Veteran of the Philippine Army or of any recognized or deserving guerrilla organization that participated in the resistance movement or in the liberation drive during World War II from December 8, 1941 to December 2, 1945;

(3) Veteran of the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) during the period from September 15, 1950 to May 31, 1955;

(4) Veterans of the Philippine Civic Action Group or Philippine contingent in Vietnam (PHILCAG) during the period from August 31, 1964 to December 1969.

(5) The unmarried spouse of a deceased veteran; or

(a) A direct descendant of a veteran who renounces the benefit in your favor;

(b) or a direct descendant of the deceased veteran, and the surviving spouse of the veteran or your legal guardian applies for the benefit in your favor.
Note: Only one descendant can avail of the benefits.
you have not previously enjoyed educational benefits under the laws of the Philippines or the United States,upon certification of the Administrator, you may be admitted to any school, college, university or institution authorized by the Government.

Related posts (Before and After revisions of selected government communications):